Tuesday, September 15, 2009

2.5 things I think I think

My shameless thievery from Danny's shameless thievery: & on the subject of thievery, I

1. concur with the distinguished gentleman representing the large video screen that when Kyle and the Brandon's take their North American tour, they are very likely to get abused. I suppose it's better to be lucky than good, because MAKE NO MISTAKE THAT's EXACTLY WHAT HAPPENED ON SUNDAY.

2. really do think that the Terrible Towels will become the moist towelettes by week 17, due in no small part to their non-existent running game and the high likelihood of Big Ben getting hurt behind that line.

2.5 think that New England's systematic shedding of All-Pro's will catch up to them.


1 comment:

  1. given that Pittsburg's lack of running is due to its lack of an OL, I concur
